Yeah, the mails came through to the list. But whenever I reply or send one, I will get several mails bounced back to me. Some got names in it I recognise from the list and some don't. All of which seems to be connected to the business somehow, as many of them were from ILM and Which is redirecting to and is a VFX company.
I donât get it.
From: softimage-*** [mailto:softimage-***] On Behalf Of Olivier Jeannel
Sent: Saturday, 6 October 2018 22:13
To: ***
Subject: Re: ping
Received good here.
Le sam. 6 oct. 2018 à 21:07, Steven Caron <***> a écrit :
*written with my thumbs
On Sat, Oct 6, 2018, 10:12 AM Sven Constable <***> wrote:
Now I received two mails: 'Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender' even my mail got through. Is there a problem using mail clients (outlook in my case) to use the list? I just send it to *** as always.
From: softimage-*** [mailto:softimage-***] On Behalf Of Sven Constable
Sent: Saturday, 6 October 2018 18:58
To: ***
Subject: ping
No need to pong :) Just received some mails with 'Delivery Status Notification (Failure)' after replying to the list. Testing if it happens with this mail too. HANW.
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